Here you can watch all symbols with conditional colors to identify long/short categoriess and sorted on FnO parameters trends like: Quickly show/hide specific FnO data parameters/columns byFew readersMarkets
The Markets screen gives a wonderful birds-eye view / snapshot of the entire Market : (for both Future & Options & Stock Summary) Price Gainers / Losers OI: Open Interest Rise/Falls Volume Spikes, Most Actives IV (implied volatility) Delivery % / changes Rollover% Vwap% Basis (premium/discount) Calls/ Puts actives/gainers/losers Quick chart of any scrip / contract markets (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/b67ec492-fe9d-426e-a707-9b1fc50e9758/bFew readersAdvanceDecline
Here you can see sector-wise DETAILS of what is going up/down rising/falling, across one or many F&O parameters such as Price, OI, Volume, pcr, Rollover…etc in a single screen. You can also see this data and %chgs across any custom time interval. i.e. 5/10/15/30/60/ 'X' mins for intraday changes and Daily / Weekly / Monthly / 'N' days for end-ofFew readersSectors
Here you can see sector-wise summary of all Futures F&O data: the %chg data (in bar chart) is computed as a simple %average of that F&O parameter across all the stocks in that sector the value data (in pie chart) is computed as aggregate sum total of value in a common base (i.e in INR terms ) Price Gainers / Losers Open Interest Rise/Falls Volume Spikes, Most Actives Rollovers Basis (premium/discounts) Delivery % chgs IVs (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdeskFew readers